Tag: <span>Therapy</span>

Choosing the right therapist for you

In this weeks blog I am talking about how to choose the right therapist for you. How do you know that the person you are seeing is going to meet your needs? First of all it is always important to check to see if a therapist has the relevant qualifications. This should be stated on his or her website or in any of their literature. If the particular therapist has the relevant qualifications then they will be a member of a governing body. This is very important because it governs the therapist with a code of conduct. This will include stipulations such as client confidentiality and continuing professional development which is required every year. Sometimes qualifications and governing body membership can be ascertained by the letters after their name. For example I am Brad Mace. Maphp (acc). Dhp. Maamet. and nrcp. These show that I am a member of the association for professional hypnosis and psychotherapy, a member of the association for the advancement meridian energy techniques and I am on the national register of Psychotherapists and counsellors. These qualifications can be checked by going to the website of the particular governing body or by contacting them by phone.
Once you have ascertained their relevant qualifications and governing body the next step would be to find out if you feel comfortable with them. This can also work both ways. A therapist has to be comfortable working with you and the particular symptom that you would like help with. This is where an initial consultation is important. I always offer a FREE initial consultation. This is free in price and also obligation free. That way I can get an understanding of what I will be working with and how I can help. I would never take on a client should I believe that I am not going to be able to give them the best therapy for their particular need. If I believe there is another therapist that would serve them better then I would refer them on in that particular case. This could be for a manner of reasons such as they may specialise in a particular area that you would like help with. So, it is important that when you meet your therapist for the consultation that you feel comfortable with him/her and that you ask any questions that you may need to. After all this is going to be the person that you are opening up to and trusting. I feel it is important to have this free initial consultation to ascertain exactly how we are going to work together. I would then explain in simplistic terms, so that the client is aware and understands what the therapy will entail and also give them an idea of how long this may take and costings. Of course we can only give an idea of this as there is no text book case with therapy. We all have different needs.
As in all consultations, even with your GP it is advisable to arrive with a list of questions so that these may be answered as we all know that when we have a specified time slot we can on occasions forget those important questions. For example; What are your qualifications? How many years experience do you have? Have you worked with this particular symptom before? If so, how many session has it normally taken? How flexible are you with meeting my attendance availability? How soon could we start therapy?
What’s your theoretical orientation? Not all therapists are the same when it comes to how they view your problems and their approach to getting you better. Some focus on childhood issues; others are concerned with the here and now. Some are directive and require homework; others see themselves as guides helping you navigate the winding roads of your psyche. Finding a fit with your style and personality is important.
I hope this has given you a good idea of what to look for and questions to ask. Whoever you choose for your therapy I wish you every success!


Hello again everyone and welcome to my third blog. This week I have decided to talk about motivation.  Funnily enough I had to motivate myself to write this blog! At the end of the last blog you will remember me putting that I would write about motivation in the next blog. Well I am not sure where that came from. It just came into my mind, probably because, yes, it is an important part of a hypnotherapists work. When I really thought about it though I wondered how I could possibly condense that down into about a thousand words for a blog. After all there is so much to be said about motivation. Then I got a cold. It is very rare for me to not feel well. I became de-motivated! Sometimes though our bodies have ways of telling us that we have to slow down and I believe this is what happened. So, between clients, I recharged and re-motivated myself.

What is motivation?  Motivation is defined as the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviours. So, motivation can be self-orientated and it can also be used to motivate others. The Cambridge English dictionary describes the nouns of motivation as both enthusiasm and reason. For example ‘there seems to be a lack of motivation among the employees’, ‘that student lacks motivation’ (enthusiasm) or what was the motivation for the attack and’ the motivation behind the decision is the desire to improve the service to our customers’ (reason).

There are two ways motivation works in hypnotherapy. First I will talk about the definition of reason. This would be what I, as a hypnotherapist, would be looking for during  hypno-analysis.  Hypno-analysis is the process of hypnotising a client and guiding them back to their former years to find out any emotional baggage that their subconscious may be holding onto. By doing this we can find out what  colours the individuals thoughts and behaviours and makes that person act in a certain way. For example, if a client was seeing me for weight loss and we regressed to a time in childhood where that particular person had been told off for not eating all their meal then their protective subconscious may have held onto negative emotion related to this that then caused that individual to always finish a meal even if they felt full and to overeat. It would be a learnt thought process that eating everything was good. By releasing this as an adult the adult mind realises that actually this is not quite true and that person can move forward more healthily. Suggestion would also be used here to reinforce healthy eating and only eat as much as is needed.

So many things happen in our former years that can affect our motivation. If there is a lot of trauma this can lead to depression which has a huge effect on our motivation. Anyone that has suffered from depression realises that it can be hard to even motivate yourself out of bed in the morning. If somebody was constantly told that they were useless, that they would never amount to anything then they may become de-motivated. So there are reasons behind each of ours very ways of being. What motivates or de- motivates one person will not necessarily be the same as another. Once we clear what has de-motivated an individual we can move onto motivating them in the right direction which leads me onto the second definition of ‘enthusiasm’.  So where a hypnotherapist has used hypno-analysis to find the reason for demotivation he/she can then use suggestion therapy to motivate and enthuse the client. Some clients will get positive results just from some suggestion work. For example I have had marathon runners beat their best time by having some suggestion work to help with motivation. If a person is generally de-motivated in life though we would have to start looking at the core reason for this. A person may come to me for a quit-smoking session. This is a one off two hour session using psychotherapy in the first hour and then an hour of hypnosis using suggestion therapy to quit the habit. If anyone still smokes after this then I offer a free top up session. It is very rare that anyone needs to return for this. However if they do and then after that the habit is still there then it indicates a much deeper rooted reason for self-destruction that would have to be investigated with analysis should the client wish to go down that route.

Some of us are better at self-motivation than others and some of us are better at motivating others. That doesn’t always necessarily mean that they are as good at motivating themselves. All of this comes down to life experience.

So, have a think. What motivates you? Also, what de-motivates you? If we can face up to some of our demons that de-motivate then it makes it much easier to motivate ourselves. Willpower has a great effect on our motivation but what makes some people have stronger willpower than others? Again it’s very much down to life’s experiences. “All you need is will power” is part of the new years resolution language. Many hypnotherapists find that they get their busiest periods towards the end of January when people are breaking their new years resolutions by not being able to break a bad habit by willpower alone. Motivation hypnotherapy is a great strengthener to a clients will power.

Of course there are many other factors that can de-motivate us. Illness, for example. As I mentioned earlier I became de-motivated when I got a cold. Don’t beat yourself up if at times you are not as motivated as others. There is really only a problem if you are never motivated to do anything.

It’s not only hypnotherapy that can help with motivation but also EFT. Finding your blocks to success and then tapping away those blocks! Look at my EFT page for more information.

Alcohol or narcotics abuse will definitely demotivate you. Don’t fall into the trap that drugs will give you a buzz and energy. They can end up taking control of your life and motivation is about being in control.

Sometimes just having a goal is enough to motivate us. I know, personally, if I have a few extra pounds on and I have a holiday booked those few extra pounds are going to be gone by the time I get on that beach!!!

So think about what could motivate you towards your goal and if there is no goal there find one!

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