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Keeping on that positive vibe……..

Keeping on that positive vibe

Everyone has bad days from time to time. Although we all tend to want to be positive there are often over riding factors. We are all human after all and there is no such thing as a perfect life. For whatever reason challenges are often sent our way but it is how we choose to react to those challenges that determines our mindset. I’m often asked what we can do to keep our energy positive so here are a few ideas.

Express gratitude – When negative events or people have an effect on your life it is always important to remember all the good things that you do have to balance this out. Try at least once a week to reflect on what you are grateful for and why. You may want to write down all the positive things about your career, your love or family and friends that support you. Remember a really good or positive event from your life and concentrate on how that makes you feel.

Meditation – Sometimes we need to let go of over whelming thoughts and clear our minds of clutter. Deep breathing exercise and relaxing music can help with this. Also repeating positive affirmations can be a great help as this can help train your mind to believe the affirmation and guide you towards your positive goal. Click here to see my blog on meditation.

Challenge your negative thoughts – Whenever negative thoughts come into our minds we can choose how we respond to them. It’s easy for our minds to tend to dwell on negative events which can end up magnifying things far bigger than they really are. Try interpreting these things differently. For example your car won’t start in the morning. Instead of thinking ‘I’m rubbish, everything goes wrong for me’ try thinking ‘It’s good that this has happened now and I haven’t been left stranded on a motorway.’ Anyone that has had cognitive behavioural therapy will know that this involves keeping a thought and feelings diary. This helps to bring negativity into a real perspective and we are able to reframe these thoughts and feeling much more positively. This is all about re-training the mind and although it might not happen overnight this is something that with practice will start coming to you more naturally.

Emotional Freedom Technique – EFT is a really good tool for confronting our negative feelings until we can bring the feeling down and then re-framing positively. This is done by tapping on acupuncture points alongside affirmation like suggestion. For more about emotional freedom technique please click here.

Don’t Worry…… Be Happy!

Don’t worry…….Be happy!

A picture of a person jumping into the air in front of a sunrise with the words don't worry, be happy

A short blog this week but a VERY important one to remember……

How much time and energy do you waste worrying? How many times have you spent so much time worrying about something negative that you thought ‘might’ happen only for it not to happen anyway or for the outcome to have been much better than you expected? It’s these everyday worries that get in the way of you being happy and living life to the full. One of the most common regrets of somebody dying is that they wished that they hadn’t wasted so much time worrying.

Anyone who knows anything about the law of attraction could tell you that we draw to us whatever we are predominantly thinking so that your life will reflect those things. Whatever you are thinking about is very much like planning a future event. So, when you are appreciating things you are planning. When you are worrying then you are also planning. Remember worrying is using your imagination to create something that you don’t want. Instead how about using your imagination to create something you DO want.

Every thought and every idea that you have is vibrational so that when you focus your attention on something, even for a short time, the vibration of your being will begin to reflect the vibration of that which you are giving your attention to. That vibration will begin to increase until you change your thoughts to something else. Use those thoughts wisely.

Sometimes we have automatic thoughts that come from our subconscious, especially if you are suffering from anxiety or panic. If this is the case it’s always good to try and record these thoughts and make a conscious effort to re-frame them. You can do this using a thought diary. Look at those thoughts and see if they are really valid. When you look back on those thoughts I wonder if they were ever really as bad as you thought they were going to be in the first place? This is a process often used in cognitive behavioural therapy. Hypnotherapy and Emotional Freedom Technique are also very good for helping you to turn those negative thoughts around.

Appreciate everything that you do have, wherever you are in your life. I know these words may seem a little strange if you are going through a bad patch and are at a place in your life where do not want to be but if you can understand the power of feeling good now , no matter what, you will hold the key to achieving any state of being that you desire. To think like this isn’t hard, it is easy but it does take practice. It’s a re-training of your mind. You don’t train a dog overnight but we know with some perserverance and patience it gets there in the end. It is the same for you. Don’t give up. The more you train your mind to think positively the easier it will become. Visualise how you want to be. Our imagination is such a powerful tool so use it positively. Remember to think about what you WANT to happen instead of what you DON’T WANT to happen.

If you need help along the way feel free to book a FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION. You can contact me here.



Improve your life through Meditation

Improve your life through Meditation

A person sitting in the lotus meditation position meditating

Hello everyone and I hope that you have all had a positive week since my last blog and as you can see from the title of this weeks blog I have decided to talk to you about how you can improve your life through meditation as I believe that meditation is beneficial to each and every one of us. It is a natural mind state that many of us have become detached from. Everything has become so fast in our lives now that people find it hard to switch off. In fact we could all benefit from learning to LITERALLY SWITCH OFF! That’s switch off your mobile phones, your ipads, your wifi and all this other electrical equipment that is putting different radio waves and electric ions into our surrounding atmosphere. It is a good idea to first switch these things off before we can relax our minds and go into our own meditative state and SWITCH OFF our own minds. Our minds definitely need much more rest than they are currently getting.

I learned meditation myself at quite a young age. I did have some trauma in my life and I now believe that meditation saved me from quite a lot of psychological damage. Of course at a very young age I didn’t even really realise I was meditating and I certainly didn’t realise that meditation was a form of self- hypnosis. So, for me, at that time it was escapism, turning my mind off to the real world. This used to be more in the form of reading fictional books or pretending I was someone else. It was all a coping mechanism I naturally used to help me through some harder times. It was later on when I was in my teens that I discovered what meditation, as we know it now, really was. I believe everything that happens to us happens for a reason and I was lent a book on meditation and astral projection that I found fascinating. I found that, with some practice, I could learn to shut down my conscious mind and enter a state of extreme relaxation. I say with some practice because it’s not something that you can learn to do it one sitting. Like everything worth having you really have to practice and train yourself as it is a discipline. It is a fantastic practice to learn though for your own physical and mental health.

To begin with it was just a case of sitting down quietly somewhere I wouldn’t be disturbed and trying to switch off my thoughts. This wasn’t always an easy task so I often used my imagination to focus on something. I remember imagining a flickering candle in my mind and concentrating on that until I felt my mind and body relaxing. Sometimes I would put relaxing music on (with no words) and I would focus on this, again, until I felt my mind and body quietening down. The more I practiced this, the easier it got, until I was finding myself in deep meditative states. I didn’t realise it at the time but when I became trained as a professional Hypnotherapist I realised that I was putting myself into self -hypnosis where I could often find answers to questions and solutions to problems that would naturally come to me. I believe that this is our natural way of being. How we should be much more of the time than we currently are.

So, what are the benefits of meditation?

Calmness – Letting go of negative thoughts so that the mind doesn’t dwell on them until they are blown completely out of proportion causing anxiety. The act of the deep breathing exercise also helps to slow and calm our bodies down.

Anti-Inflammatory – Stress cause inflammation which has been linked to heart disease and asthma and skin conditions such as psoriasis. Relaxation through meditation helps switch off this stress response. This is also very good for Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Lower blood pressure – A study at Harvard Medical School found that meditation lowered blood pressure by making the body less responsive to stress hormones, in a similar way to blood pressure-lowering medication. Meanwhile a British Medical Journal report found that patients trained how to relax had significantly lower blood pressure.

Increased Fertility – Studies at the University of Western Australia have revealed that women are more likely to conceive when they are relaxed and men have a boost of sperm count through relaxation.

Helps cure neurosis – Helps to find emotional balance and cure neurosis and un healthy emotional states. It helps cleanses emotionally soaked memories.

Boosts Immunity – Relaxation has been shown to help boost the immune system making it very beneficial to recovering cancer patients. A study at the Ohio State University found that progressive muscular relaxation, when practised daily, reduced the risk of breast cancer recurrence. In another study at Ohio State, a month of relaxation exercises boosted natural killer cells in the elderly, giving them a greater resistance to tumours and to viruses.

Aside from the regular sitting still and closing your eyes and trying to clear your mind there are many other ways to meditate from using guided imagery to breath focus, yoga, saying mantras and guided imagery. I find the most beneficial meditation for me is a tapping meditation using Emotional Freedom Technique. An introduction video to EFT can be found here. And a video showing me demonstrating the basic recipe for tapping can be found here. If you would like a guided imagery relaxation audio you are welcome to download my relaxation mp3 FREE OF CHARGE here.

You may want to try some different forms of meditation to see what works for you. The important thing is to find the time to do it, even if it is just twenty minutes a day. We all deserve at least that. Give it a try and see how much more positive your life becomes. GO ON! YOU ARE WORTH IT!



Brad Mace, Dhp, MAPHP (acc).

Bringing EFT (tapping) into the mainstream and celebrities that use it

Hello everyone and welcome to this weeks blog. I hope that we are all having a positive week. I have chosen this week to talk a bit further about Emotional Freedom Technique and how more and more it is proving to be such a powerfully effective therapy and being brought into the mainstream with many celebrities using it. I know from my own research and success with clients what a fantastic job it is doing by helping to positively rewire the brain against negative thoughts. The great news is that experts are now calling on the NHS to start using this fantastic self help technique after research has proved its effectiveness in treating a number of conditions. Researchers at Staffordshire University have been leading research into the effectiveness of EFT in the UK. Professor Tony Stuart, who led a trial of the treatment in the Birmingham area said ‘EFT is a new and emerging therapy that can be used to treat a wide range of conditions. Patients gently tap with their fingertips on acupressure points, mainly on the head and hands, and relate this to the voicing of specific statements. A growing number of statements suggest that EFT is a growing and safe treatment and with the increase of demand for mental health services and a decrease of NHS resources we feel the use of EFT within the NHS should now be extended.’

The research studied 39 patients during the trial and say that most improved significantly as a result of the treatment.

The researchers say that one of the key benefits of EFT is that, once learn’t, it can be easily self- administered meaning that patients can use it on themselves for any issue whenever it is required.

A further study using Staffordshire university students has provided evidence that EFT could boost performance in pressurised conditions. One hundred students were approached to randomly to receive either an EFT session or a motivational lecture ahead of giving a marked presentation. Amazingly, although I am not surprised after the results that I have seen in my consulting room here at positivelycalm, the 50 students that received the EFT remained calmer and achieved higher results.

On average it has been determined that just over five sessions are required to treat clients which compares well with other therapies such as cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) where around 20 sessions would often be required depending on the severity of the condition.

I think that this research is so exciting and proves what I have seen time and time again with my own eyes in my consulting room using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) here in Essex. The research has been published in the journal of Psychological therapies in Primary Care.

It’s also interesting that a lot of celebrities are now also using EFT. See this video here to see Olympic athlete Bralon Taplin using the ground break technique just before an event.

Actress and Comedienne Whoopi Goldberg has also talked about EFT tapping over the last couple of years and how she has used it for many different aspects in her life. Here is a video of Whoopi on an American television show using Emotional Freedom Technique to help her overcome her fear of flying.

Singer Lilly Allen also talks about how she has used EFT to help her overcome her addiction to chocolate after other therapies failed. She had tried Hypnotherapy, aversion therapy, willpower, diets and even sniffing vanilla to curb the cravings without any success. After she heard that EFT research claimed an 80 per cent success rate for overcoming chocolate addiction she decided to give it a go. Even though she admits that at first she was sceptical she now claims that it has worked to help her overcome her cravings after just one session. See below:

I think it‘s fantastic that celebrities are now speaking about this ground breaking treatment and bringing EFT into the mainstream. Madonna is also said to be a big fan of EFT.

Michael Ball has also spoken out about how he uses EFT to overcome performance anxiety and informs us that he was actually taught the technique by the late Stephen Gately who used Emotional Freedom Technique for exactly the same reason. On this video here you can see Michael Ball speaking to BBC news about how EFT has helped him.

So, all in all, I think that this is a really exciting time for EFT and I love seeing all this proof of how successfully this therapy works after I have used this in my consulting room for years. As the cliché goes ‘the proof is in the pudding’ and it certainly is with EFT as I have seen time and time again the amazing evidence that EFT can really change peoples lives. For more information about Hypnotherapy or EFT in Essex please contact me here. Wishing you all a positively calm and inspirational week.

Coping with grief

Dove flying with wings oustretched in a blue sky with a few clouds

Hello again everyone and welcome to my last blog of 2016.  I hope that you have all had a fantastic and stress free Christmas and that you are looking forward to a positive new year ahead. I have decided to talk about the subject of grief in my final blog simply because of the amount of celebrity deaths that there has been this year. I’ve witnessed an outpouring of grief on social networks and it did make me question why we get so caught up in the death of somebody that we don’t personally know. Christmas Day was the last example when pop star George Michael passed. Quite an apt time of year seeing as last Christmas was a huge hit for him in the 80s and has been played constantly every year since. Christmas is also an emotional time when feelings can be running quite high. I think many people were shocked to hear late Christmas day that he had passed including  myself. It’s not always the loss of the actual celebrity that we are grieving but it is a nostalgic loss of days gone by. We relive many happy memories and sometimes unhappy memories of growing up and the nostalgia can play on our feelings. Also if we are carrying around any unresolved grief from our loss of our own close ones then this can sometimes be brought to the surface which isn’t a bad thing. Harbouring unresolved grief can cause many negative symptoms. Many clients that come to me for all manner of reasons sometimes their problems stem back to loss and worse than that not being able to grieve properly and that emotion becoming stuck in the subconscious. Not being able to grieve properly can be because of all manner of reasons such as being too busy to grieve, having to keep strong for other family members or friends or even, especially in men, seeing letting any emotion out as a weakness. The problem is that emotion is there and if you don’t release it then it will just remain trapped in the subconscious causing all manner of problems.

I wouldn’t work with anyone using hypnotherapy for grief within the first two years of losing a loved  one. It is important that those left behind go through the various stages. There are five stages of grieving and they can take two years to process and trying to get rid of those emotions in that time could be damaging as those feelings need to be processed. The 5 stages of grief and loss are: 1. Denial and isolation; 2. Anger; 3. Bargaining; 4. Depression; 5. Acceptance. People who are grieving do not necessarily go through the stages in the same order or experience all of them. If a client gets ‘stuck’ at any of these stages and two years has passed then that is where I would use hypnotherapy for unresolved grief which can have powerfully effective positive outcomes. For any help with grieving in the first two years I can highly recommend cruse who are a there for your support at these sad times.

So, grieving is natural, necessary and healthy. It’s not grieving that would have a detrimental effect on you. Don’t let anyone berate you for grieving and expressing your emotions even if it is for a celebrity that you don’t know. This person was still part of your life and you may be grieving those times or it could be just bringing out negative emotions that need to be brought out. That can never be a bad thing. There is nothing wrong with releasing negative emotion.

The grief stages are universal and experienced by different cultures from all walks of life. Grief isn’t only experienced for people that we have lost to death but also for the end of relationships and for the death of animals. Pets are a huge part of many families and the death of our beloved pets can be just as traumatising.

On a happier note I would like to wish you a happy and positive new year. For more information about hypnotherapy and EFT in Essex please check out the rest of the website I will also be posting a series of EFT (tapping) videos for weight loss over the coming weeks with the first one hopefully to be posted in the next few days. Here’s to a Positively Calm 2017!

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