The Power Of Matrix Reimprinting
Anyone who knows me socially knows that for the past 27 years I have been suffering from Tourette’s syndrome. Or, as the doctors preferred to say, Tourette’s like symptoms. This is because it is only recognised that Tourette’s sufferers usually start getting their symptoms in their formative years. It is not recognised that, as […]
Your road to riches!
Are you struggling getting onto that road to riches? All of us have a fundamental right to be rich. We are here to lead an abundant life and be happy and free. This means that you should have all the money you need to lead a full, happy and prosperous life. We are here […]
Free yourself from Fear!
It could be argued that people’s greatest enemy is fear. Fear is often the very thing behind failure, sickness, stress and poor human relations. Millions of people are afraid of so many things including fears of the past, the future, old age, dementia, death and illness. Many fears can become a phobia such as fear […]
Hypnotherapy and Addiction
Hypnotherapy and addiction This week I am talking about addiction and how hypnotherapy can help. The word addiction comes from the latin word addiction which mean a ‘giving over, surrender to.’ The dictionary would describe the noun for the word addiction as ‘the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something […]