Tag: <span>success</span>

You are worthy of success!

A picture of a gold winners trophy cup on a stand surrounded by a sun beam and stars

You are worthy of success. You may have heard the old cliché ‘if you do what you have always done then you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten.’ I can’t disagree with that. In order to get different results, you need to do different things, or, in some cases, just do things differently. Much of that notion starts with the way you see yourself or your own belief system. Because the majority of our own behaviour is unconscious, if you are not seeing yourself as successful in whatever it is that you want to achieve, then you probably won’t be as you will not be taking the appropriate action to push yourself in that direction. Because of this, if you try to consciously just change, then you’ll eventually end up going back to your old ways of thinking and feeling which will then push you back to your old habits and you will just end up with the same results.  Most of your change needs to be subconscious.

If you are tired of it being a struggle to do the things it takes to get what you want, then despair no more because therapy using subconscious modalities such as hypnosis and Emotional Freedom Technique can be of enormous benefit. Whether it’s exercising, eating healthy, progressing your career or increasing your bank balance if it doesn’t feel comfortable or fit in with who you are then it will always seem like a chore. That’s if it even gets achieved at all. You can never out-perform your self-image so it could be time to start seeing yourself exactly as you want to be if you want to achieve success in a particular area.

If the gap between what you have and what you desire feels uncomfortable then you need to remove blocks to help you move forward to achieve what you truly desire.
To have what you truly want you need to do certain things and to do those certain things you need to see yourself as being a certain type of person. Using Hypnotherapy and EFT/Tapping a therapist can guide you to make profound positive changes in your life. If there is any doubt that you are worthy of the life that you desire then I can help you eliminate the blocks to seeing yourself as truly magnificent! With these blocks removed you will see yourself as naturally deserving of success and taking the necessary action to make this happen will seem like something you really want to do rather than something that you just have to do.

You are so much more than what you have become. Your circumstances have been identified by how you are seeing yourself. Once any negative blocks are removed then you will be so much more comfortable taking the action to achieve having what you want. To give you an idea about what EFT/Tapping is see my video here. No, I can’t change you but I can give you the tools and guidance to help you change yourself. Nothing is too good for you. You may just not be aware of the greatness inside of you. To book an appointment contact me here.

Your road to riches!


Are you struggling getting onto that road to riches? All of us have a fundamental right to be rich. We are here to lead an abundant life and be happy and free. This means that you should have all the money you need to lead a full, happy and prosperous life. We are here to grow, expand, and unfold spiritually, mentally and materially. You have the right to fully develop and express yourself in all your potentials. An important aspect of these rights is the ability, should you choose, to surround yourself with beauty and luxury.

Why should you be satisfied with just enough to go around when you can enjoy the riches of your subconscious mind? Sometimes subconscious blocks can get in the way of this and hinder our ‘friendship’ with money. Once you are able to make friends with money you will always have what you need and more! We shouldn’t let anyone make us feel doubtful or ashamed of a desire to be rich because at it’s deepest level it is a desire for a fuller, happier and more wonderful life!

Money is a symbol of exchange. To you it is not only of freedom for want but also of beauty, refinement, abundance and luxury. It can be a symbol of economic health for a whole nation. When your blood is circulating freely in your body you are healthy. When money is circulating freely in your life you are economically healthy. When people begin to hoard money, to put it away in boxes and become fearful of spending they become economically ill.

Once you understand the powers of your subconscious mind you have within your grasp a road map to riches of all kinds – spiritual, mental or financial. If you can convey the idea of wealth to the subconscious mind it will keep you supplied wherever you may be. You have to imprint subconsciously that money is forever flying freely in your life and there will always be a surplus available to you. If this is your subconscious belief then should there be a financial collapse tomorrow and everything  you possessed became worthless then you will still attract wealth. You would come through the crisis comfortably and likely even gain advantage from it!

If you do not have enough money it could be that you are silently or even openly condemning it. Some people refer to money as dirty, filthy or the root to all evil! Some people may even have a subconscious feeling  that there is a special virtue about poverty! All our subconscious patterns are due to early childhood training.

This is not to say that money should be your god. Money can be very much a part of a balanced life. Love of money to the exclusion of everything else would cause you to become unbalanced. After all if you just focus on the money area of your life excluding everything else you may gain a fortune but at what cost? We are here to lead a balanced life so you must also satisfy your need for peace of mind, harmony, love, joy and perfect health.

Both hypnotherapy and Emotional Freedom Technique are a great way for clearing subconscious blocks in all areas of your life and has been used many times for clearing blocks to wealth. You need to remove any superstitious or weird beliefs about money. Do not ever regard money as evil or filthy. If you do it will fly away from you! You lose what you condemn and you cannot attract what you criticize.  By learning some simple techniques to retrain your subconscious to learn the law of attraction then you can bring financial abundance into your life. You can learn to imagine , see and feel the reality of being rich. Learn to live with the idea and sustain, nourish and love it. This conviction will then attract money into your life. First of all though any subconscious blocks to abundance need to be addressed. For help doing this please look at my website. www.positivelycalm.com.

Although based in the Essex area I am also available for therapy on skype. For further details please contact me.


Free yourself from Fear!

A picture of a tree with a pale blue background with the words "The fears we don't face become our limits"

It could be argued that people’s greatest enemy is fear. Fear is often the very thing behind failure, sickness, stress and poor human relations. Millions of people are afraid of so many things including fears of the past, the future, old age, dementia, death and illness. Many fears can become a phobia such as fear of flying, spiders and water to name but a few. But fear is just a thought in your own mind which means that all you are actually afraid of are your own thoughts! It’s never too late to free yourself from fear.

If you imagine a small child can be fearful of a monster living under the bed because a playmate has told them that the monster would grab them in the night. But when a parent turns on the light and shows them that there is no monster under the bed then he is freed from that fear. The fear in the  mind of that child was every bit as real as if there was really a monster there. When he was made to realise that the thing that he feared did not exist then he was healed of a false thought in his mind. In the same way, most of your fears have no reality.

The great nineteenth-century philosopher and poet Ralph Waldo Emerson once said “Do the thing you are afraid to do, and the death of fear is certain.”

I remember when I was 19 being asked to be best man at a wedding. In fact it was a very big wedding. I was filled with unutterable fear at the thought of standing before an audience and speaking. I believe that if I had given way to this fear, as terrible as it was, I am sure you would not now be reading this blog. I would never have been able to share with others what I have learned about the workings of the subconscious mind. The way I overcame this fear was to follow Emersons advice. Quaking inside I went before the audience and spoke. It was tough at first but as the speech went on I gained a little confidence and by the end I was almost enjoying it. Admittedly it was quite a while until I spoke in front of an audience again but I used this experience as a benchmark and in my line of work now I have to engage in public speaking all the time and I actually enjoy it. I did the thing I was afraid to do and the death of fear was certain.

When you affirm positively that you are going to master your fears, and you come to a definite decision in your conscious mind, you release the power of the subconscious, which in return flows in response to the nature of your thought.

Try this technique for overcoming fear. Suppose you were afraid of swimming. You can retrain your mind with this simple technique. Try and sit still for at least two to three times a day for five or ten minutes. Now imagine that you are swimming. Mentally project yourself into the water. You feel the coolness of the water and the movement of your arms and legs. It is all a very real and vivid and joyful activity in your mind. What you are experiencing in your imagination will then be developed in your subconscious mind. When you next swim it is the joyful action that will surface as this is the law of the subconscious.

The same technique can be applied to other fears. A hypnotherapist can induce an even deeper state to instill positive suggestion and sometimes may work with regression to find a root cause for the particular fear and release the negative emotion that has been buried within the subconscious mind. Emotional Freedom Technique is also another good way of clearing those negative feelings.

Remember to give your focus to what you want to happen not what you are afraid might happen instead. For example If you are fearing failure then focus on success!

For further help and support in overcoming your fears please do not hesitate in contacting me.





A person holding their hands in the air in triumph on a beach with the sea and a sunset in the background with the word believe at the top.

If you are not expecting it, you are not allowing it to happen

Your belief system brings into your life what you want to happen. If your beliefs are strong enough then what you believe will probably happen. If you believe everything in your life is bad then it is likely that you are going to bring bad events into your life. If you are optimistic and believe that good things are going to happen then that is what you are going to attract into your life. Simple? Yes and no. Sometimes because of negative events that have happened in our past it does sometimes take some retraining of our minds. And also remember that our minds and emotions are connected. So, if we are going to desire good things into our lives then remember each emotion indicates how much energy you are summoning. Your predominant thoughts and beliefs that you currently hold are all relative to your desire.

We learn our belief systems as very little children, and then we move through life creating experiences to match our beliefs. If you look back through your own life you may notice how often you have gone through the same experience.

If you are feeling a very strong emotion, wether positive or negative, that means that your desire is powerfully focused and you are summoning a great deal of energy towards your desire. So, when your emotions feel bad, like depression, fear or anger, that means that you are offering a lot of resistance to your true desire. When your emotions are strong and feel really good , like enthusiasm, passion, positivity, expectation or love, that means that you are not offering out any resistance to that which you desire so the energy that you have summoned through what you desire is not being challenged vibrationally by yourself and you are then currently allowing the things that you desire to come into your life.

So it seems to be an obvious rule that the perfect situation to create and allow into your life what you desire is to really, really want something that you believe is possible. When that combination of both desire and belief is present within you all those things will quickly unfold into your life.

BUT when you want something that you do not believe is possible, when you have that desire but you do not expect it, it will not easily unfold into your life. Hypnotherapy and EFT can be fantastic tools to eradicate negative thoughts and feelings and make your belief system so much more positive!

Believe and Expect and the universe will answer your call……………..

Therapy is a journey – AND the rewards are SO worth it!

A man climbing up the side of a rock with the words "never give up on youself"

Therapy is a journey – AND the rewards are SO worth it!

Hello there everyone. I really hope that you are enjoying the summer! It’s so nice to get outside more often, have longer days and some nice healthy walks in the fresh air. I do apologise that I haven’t blogged for a few weeks but things here at Positivelycalm therapy have been busy busy busy!!

I’ve chosen to speak this week about the importance of sticking with therapy. One of the most disappointing aspects of any therapy practice is when a client quits therapy before it is complete. Although this doesn’t happen often there can be several reasons for this but the most common, especially when a client is going through analysis, is when a client is having difficulty coping with discharging negative feelings. Of course there are some problems that can be treated just with one or two sessions such as quit smoking but many symptoms require  full analysis. Every therapist would love to be able  wave a magic wand and make those negative feelings disappear straight away and if we could do it that quick I’m sure we would all be millionaires. The truth of the matter is that we do have to face up to these negative feelings before we can release them. To do this we have to relive or re-feel them in order for our subconscious and conscious adult minds to make sense of them to let them go. Therapy guides us to face up to those negative feelings buried in our subconscious but facing up to them and re living them as an adult is the most sure fire way of having an understanding of them and letting them go. During your therapy, over the weeks, there are moments when you can feel really good and this is an indication of how you shall feel once therapy had been completed. Not everyone’s therapy experience is the same and no one should be treated as a text book case as we are certainly all individuals. Some people start feeling better straightaway or after one or two sessions. Some people take longer and sometimes people are just very up and down throughout their therapy experience. These feelings are quite natural and all I can advise is not to give up and just ride the wave until the end. Therapy is very much a journey. It has its ups and downs but the destination is fantastic!

Another reason people may give up on therapy is that they just don’t believe that they are getting anywhere quick enough. They may have known someone who has had therapy and been better in two sessions yet they have had six sessions and are not yet anywhere near where they want to be feeling. Again we are all different. Our mind-sets and the way we all see things are different and our reactions to things are not all the same. Also some people’s problems are much more deep rooted than others. Any therapist would not be seeing you if they didn’t think that they would be able to help you and that is why I offer a free initial consultation so that I can ascertain wether I can be the best help for the particular problem  and the route of therapy to go down. If I don’t believe that I would be the best possible therapist for the particular problem then it is my duty to point you in the right direction and maybe towards a therapist who specialises in the particular area that you may need help. So, a therapist wouldn’t be seeing you if he/she didn’t think there could be an improvement. Some people just take longer than others. Some people take longer to subconsciously process things depending on how deep rooted the particular problem is and there are people that just need different therapy strategies and coping mechanism where there are some that alleviate their problem with one therapy which could also be alleviated in fewer sessions. SO DON’T GIVE UP!  Everyone deserves to feel good and not to carry around negativity. Don’t accept that’s just the way you are. We were not born negative. We can all change and we all deserve to change it’s just some people improve quicker than others. Please don’t give up because YOU ARE WORTH IT! 😉

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